Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hello, my name is Lauren, and I'm a reality television addict.

Yes, it's true. I have poor taste in television. I spend a lot of my time watching the trashy shows I have saved to my satellite television DVR. The more ridiculous the show (or the people) the better! Some of my favorites are The Real Housewives of New York, Orange County, Atlanta, New Jersey and D. C., Teen Mom, Sixteen and Pregnant, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Dance Moms and the Jersey Shore. I'm not sure what the appeal is of watching people hash out their day to day problems on television, but whatever it is. . . I have found myself in over my head!

It's time for me to admit that my reality television habit has turned into a full blown addiction! Now that I'm on summer break, I have found myself watching T.V. until one or two in the morning. I  record anything that looks remotely interesting, and I have become glued to the television. Until recently, it was occupying 6-7 hours of my day, easily!

Last year, after a long day at school, I looked forward to coming home, plopping down on the couch and pressing play to one of the many trashy television shows I record on my DVR playlist. I thought there was no better way to relax than the couch, T.V., a diet coke and my pajamas.

Recently, I started to get frustrated that I couldn't keep up with my lesson planning, housework, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, and seemed to have no time to take my dog for a walk or exercise. I realized that it was hard to fit those things in around my busy television watching schedule. Eventually, I would convince myself that my chores could wait. Some of my many excuses were: it got "too late" or I was "too tired." I always promised myself I would "get it all done tomorrow" until tomorrow came and went, and I was even further in the hole.

Last week I decided  it was time to seek help for my reality television habit! (okay not really, but I figured it was time to start helping myself) I began to limit myself to 2 hours of T.V. a day. To most people two hours of television is reasonable. But a mere two hours sounded like a death sentence to this junkie! However, I thought I'd try it for a week and see if I had more time to do the day to day things I was putting off.

After one week I'm proud to say I've stuck to my guns! I have to admit, I threw in an extra hour when my husband was bow fishing last night, but overall I'm proud of my progress. I have successfully maintained a clean home all week. I've been researching new recipes, and I have prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner for my husband and I. As you know I'm working out for an hour everyday. I have walked Willy (my pup) more than I have all summer.  I've played a couple rounds of golf, and I've gotten some painting done in my classroom. Amazingly, I started writing this blog. I've paid two months worth of bills and I've even found time to shampoo the carpet in our home this week! Can you believe it? All that. . . just by cutting out television?

Best of all, I've discovered my love for reading again. It feels so good to actually exercise my brain with a good book rather than analyze Kim Kardashian's outfits or Teen Mom's dead beat dads. I've found that working out, reading and cooking are great stress relievers for me. It feels so good to get things done, and so far I haven't had a television craving. I'm amazed at the things I can get done!

Don't get me wrong. . . I savor the two hours of reality television I allot myself a day. I'm just no longer a slave to my addiction :)

As a recovering addict, I'm hoping that my new coping skills will help me be a more organized, motivated and prepared teacher this school year. Good things are on the horizon!

In recovery,

Mrs. Patmore

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New beginning

Let's be honest, I haven't felt comfortable in my skin for quite sometime now.

I grew up playing basketball. I spent the majority of my day on the court, and it was my life for 22 years. I played in college, and I used to dread conditioning and hard practice days. I've always hated running and training, but I did it because I wanted to be better at the game I loved. I celebrated after my last day of basketball conditioning my senior year at Kentucky Wesleyan College. Now, I long for the days that I was forced to get up at 6 am and run until I puked. I feel out of shape and over weight. I've dieted and given mediocre effort to working out in the last 6 years. Well, I've finally had enough. It's time to start living a balanced life again and giving 110%. Going to the beach this summer was the final straw! Time to get my body back!

So, whats the solution? Getting back to my roots: WORKING OUT UNTIL IT HURTS!

One of my best friends and former teammate, Whitney, let me borrow her Insanity workout program. I'm not looking forward to doing these workouts. I did the fitness test yesterday, and I almost collapsed. But, I am looking forward to the results. You get what you put in, right?

Well, there it is. I've publicly declared my goals, so there's no turning back now!

"It's supposed to hard. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great." - A league of their own

Let's do this thing!
Mrs. Patmore

Monday, July 2, 2012

Here goes nothing. . .

Hi, it's me, Lauren Patmore. I am a wife, teacher, daughter, sister, friend and athlete. I grew up in Indiana, but followed the love of my life to rural Kentucky. Life in the country has been an adjustment, but I've grown to love it here, and it finally feels like home.

One of the best parts of living in small town USA is the school where I teach. No, it's not the most wealthy, organized, or fancy school, but I love getting to know my students and their families. Most teachers cringe when they run into a student at the local grocery store, but I relish it. Who wouldn't want a huge hug and a smile from a child on an average Tuesday? No one is as happy to bump into me as my students are. An eight year old can definitely stroke your ego ;)

I'm often frustrated with the lack of resources at our school. I could explore other teaching positions in neighboring counties, but my school, my students and my coworkers connect me to the community. If you're going to live in a small town. . . you might as well know everyone, right? Otherwise, what's the point? You're a stranger in the middle of nowhere!

I never thought I'd be a "blogger," but I really enjoy reading teacher blogs, and I've started my own store on, so I figured. . . If you can't beat 'em. . . JOIN 'em!

The vision for my blog is to use it as an outlet to share lessons and activities I've done with students. I want to share what worked, what didn't work, and hopefully, inspire others along the way. I not only want to share experiences in my classroom, but share experiences as a twenty-something newlywed.

I have a lot to learn when it comes to blogging, but I never shy away from a challenge!

Until next time. . .

Mrs. Patmore