Monday, July 2, 2012

Here goes nothing. . .

Hi, it's me, Lauren Patmore. I am a wife, teacher, daughter, sister, friend and athlete. I grew up in Indiana, but followed the love of my life to rural Kentucky. Life in the country has been an adjustment, but I've grown to love it here, and it finally feels like home.

One of the best parts of living in small town USA is the school where I teach. No, it's not the most wealthy, organized, or fancy school, but I love getting to know my students and their families. Most teachers cringe when they run into a student at the local grocery store, but I relish it. Who wouldn't want a huge hug and a smile from a child on an average Tuesday? No one is as happy to bump into me as my students are. An eight year old can definitely stroke your ego ;)

I'm often frustrated with the lack of resources at our school. I could explore other teaching positions in neighboring counties, but my school, my students and my coworkers connect me to the community. If you're going to live in a small town. . . you might as well know everyone, right? Otherwise, what's the point? You're a stranger in the middle of nowhere!

I never thought I'd be a "blogger," but I really enjoy reading teacher blogs, and I've started my own store on, so I figured. . . If you can't beat 'em. . . JOIN 'em!

The vision for my blog is to use it as an outlet to share lessons and activities I've done with students. I want to share what worked, what didn't work, and hopefully, inspire others along the way. I not only want to share experiences in my classroom, but share experiences as a twenty-something newlywed.

I have a lot to learn when it comes to blogging, but I never shy away from a challenge!

Until next time. . .

Mrs. Patmore

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